Canadian Unity Fan Fund (CUFF) Nominations Are Open

Canadian Unity Fan Fund (CUFF) nominations are open for selecting a fan delegate to Pemmi-Con (the 2023 NASFiC) in Winnipeg. 

By: Fran Skene (CUFF 2019 Delegate to CanCon in Ottawa)

Nominations are open to find/vote a CUFF delegate for 2023. We are looking for a fan from anywhere in Canada to travel to and attend Pemmi-Con, the 15th North American Science Fiction Convention in Winnipeg this July 20th through 23rd. A hotel room has been reserved for the delegate, and the registration is comped.

Note: This year, former CUFF delegates may apply (no restriction to only new folks).

The delegate is welcome to stay longer than just the convention and hang out with local fans. Also consider visiting Winnipeg’s famous Royal Aviation Museum.

In order to be nominated for the CUFF this year, an application (see further info below) plus emails from the six nominators must be submitted by March 10, 2023 to Fran Skene at fskene(at)

As well, we are asking for a bond of $20 CAD from each applicant, which will be added to the CUFF funds. This (and all donations) can be sent via either PayPal or Interac e-transfer to Fran at the above email address. (If you’d like to pay another way, email Fran to negotiate.)

In exchange for funds that will *hopefully* cover all costs for the trip (this will include Air Miles for the airfare from Fran), the primary responsibilities of the delegate are to:

  • Attend the convention, take part in programming, and report back to your fellow fans on the event. 
  • Assist in raising funds for the next year’s delegate.
  • Administer (with the assistance of other Canadian fans) the process to select the next year’s fan delegate.
  • Promote Canadian genre-related media and fan activities. 

In order to be nominated for the CUFF this year an emailed application must be submitted by March 10, 2023 to fskene(at) plus a bond of $20. It should contain a brief fan-related bio and how you hope to make this trip beneficial for you and the Canadian fan community. The application must have a minimum of three fan supporters from the east and three in the west (six total). (The Manitoba/Ontario border separates east and west.)

If we have more than one applicant, voting will be open March 15 and close April 15th, in order to give the successful candidate enough time to work with Pemmi-Con programming and to schedule their visit.


Any Canadian fan or pro may individually nominate a fan to be this year’s CUFF delegate. Just email Fran from your personal email, saying briefly why you’re nominating that fan.

If you (the nominator) are not likely to be known to the current fund administrator (Fran Skene), please give the name and contact info for a fan who is likely to be well known and can confirm you are an active fan, or links to information that will make your involvement in fandom clear. The same process will hold true for voting.


Voting, when open, will be permitted by anyone who has been active in Canadian fandom for two years or more. Voters are urged to make a donation to the fund of at least $5.00 to assist with the candidate’s expenses. Votes can be sent to fskene(at)

Pemmi-Con looks forward to working with many aspects of Winnipeg fandom, including cosplayers, artists, comic creators, local artisans, and folks from Canada’s furry community. Do YOU have a programming item to suggest? Tell us about it on the programme suggestion form!

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