Courtesy Policy

  • Cellphones and other electronic devices must be silenced or turned off in programme rooms
  • Attendees must remain quiet during panels and not speak amongst themselves, except when participating in discussion with the panel
  • Parents with small children who misbehave, cry or become noisy must depart the programme room they are in as soon as they can.
  • Attendees wearing hats or tall costumes should remove them when sitting in a panel room, or sit near the back, so the view of other attendees is not blocked
  • When panel rooms have closed their doors due to hallway noise, attendees are asked to open and close the doors quietly
  • Attendees (including costumed attendees) immediately outside the doors to a programming room must keep their voices at a reasonable level so as not to disturb the programme
  • Attendees are asked to respect other attendees by not disrupting or intruding in their private conversations, videotaping/photography sessions, podcasting/recording sessions, or other activities
  • Unless otherwise informed, no attendee should take either a video or sound recording of any panel. There could be matters of intellectual property rights that you are not aware of.
Check out our “Ask the Librarian” booth! Our Ghost Guest of Honour is Lorna Toolis, former head librarian for 30 years at the Merril Collection, the premier SF&F research collection in the world! We hope to have free books for fans at the booth, so be sure to come pick up your next great read! And if you’ve got books that need a loving new home, please consider donating them to the Librarian booth!

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