Call for Programme Participation

If you would like to participate in the Pemmi-Con Programme, sign-ups are open. If you would like to suggest a programme idea, run a game, enter in the Masquerade, or participate in the Music and Filk programme, all of these are open too. Details are on the Programme page.

Do you know what a Erwin Strauss Message Board is? We’re planning to bring this cool classic fandom feature to Pemmi-Con! If you want to get in touch with someone at the convention but don’t know their cell number or email, the Message Board is a neat solution to your problem! Consult the posted list of members, push a stick-pin into the Board next to the name you want to contact, jot a note on a physical index card, put the index card in the alphabetized boxes — and voila, message sent!

Recent News

Access Activities Art Show Covid Dealers Room Fan Funds Fan Tables Filk First Nations Gaming Guests of Honour Hotels Masquerade Mooseletter Policies Programme Progress Reports Registration Site Selection Social Media Travel Virtual Volunteering Winnipeg WSFS

