Virtual Memberships Available

Virtual memberships in Pemmi-Con are available now at registration.

Virtual members will have access to the hybrid programme online. Our goal is to bring all our members, those physically in Winnipeg and those participating online, into a shared experience of our programme, with opportunities for interaction for everyone. In Winnipeg, we plan to set up at least half of the programme spaces with Zoom capabilities for both streaming and participation.

Virtual members can be speakers or panelists on the programme. See the Programme page for more information.

Check out our “Ask the Librarian” booth! Our Ghost Guest of Honour is Lorna Toolis, former head librarian for 30 years at the Merril Collection, the premier SF&F research collection in the world! We hope to have free books for fans at the booth, so be sure to come pick up your next great read! And if you’ve got books that need a loving new home, please consider donating them to the Librarian booth!

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