Masquerade Open for Virtual Entries

If you are attending virtually, or in person but you don’t have space to pack your whole costume, or something happened so your whole group won’t be there, think about entering virtually. Pemmi-Con is accepting virtual entries to this year’s masquerade. The rules are simple. Fill out the on-line entry form, record your presentation complete with music and voice over. The recording cannot be longer than one minute long. Send it to us. It will be played during the masquerade. Any questions, drop me a line at

For information about participating in the masquerade on-site and on-stage, see the Programme page.

We’re going to have virtual programming both pre- and post-convention via Twitch TV and Zoom — and at Pemmi-con itself, a couple of rooms will be set up to stream interactive programming to the Internet! Programming items at Pemmi-Con will be either in person or hybrid, so if you can’t attend in person, we look forward to your virtual participation!

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