NASFiC Site Selection

The North American Science Fiction Convention (NASFiC) is held in years when the World Science Fiction Convention is held outside of North America. Because the 2024 Worldcon will be in Glasgow, Scotland, we need to hold an election to select the site of the 2024 NASFiC. Under the provisions of the World Science Fiction Society constitution, section 4.8.1, Pemmi-Con will hold this election. Only members of Pemmi-Con can vote. In order to vote, you will need to pay an Advance Supporting Membership (Voting) Fee that makes you a supporting member of the winning bid.

One group, bidding for Buffalo, New York, USA, has filed a bid to host the 2024 NASFiC. Their proposed dates are July 18-21, 2024. Details of their bid, including their organizing document and their facilities agreement with the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center and the Hyatt Regency Buffalo, can be found on the NASFiC Bids website or their bid webpage.

Other groups may file as write-in bids up until the close of at-convention voting, currently scheduled for Friday, July 21, 2023, 6 PM Central Daylight Time. To file a bid in advance of the convention, send it by email to To file a bid at the convention, bring it to the Site Selection desk and give it to the Site Selection administrator. Only write-in bids that file with the administrator can actually win the election.

“None of the Above” is always listed on the ballot. Should it win, no NASFiC will be held, and Pemmi-Con will return all fees to the voters.


You can vote online, or mail in your ballot, or have someone deliver your ballot to the convention, or vote in person at the convention.

Voting Online

To vote in advance of Pemmi-Con, you must purchase a Voting Token for CA$40 at One token per member, and the member must be signed into the membership portal at in order to purchase the token.

Members that did not join online may request their username and password.

Once signed in, go to (main page in Registering menu) to purchase your token.

The PDF of the ballot can be found here 16th NASFiC Site Selection Ballot.

Include the voting token number (last six characters of your transaction ID) on your ballot, scan or take a photograph of your ballot, and email the scanned ballot or photo to

Voting By Mail

The PDF of the ballot can be found here 16th NASFiC Site Selection Ballot.

Mail your ballot (with checks or money orders payable to “NASFiC” for CA$40 or US$30 (do not mail cash)) to:

℅ Jannie Shea
20608 Acre St
Winnetka CA 91306-1015


℅ Pemmi-Con
73 Worthington Ave
Winnipeg MB R2M 1R6

The deadline for receipt of mail-in ballots is July 11, 2023. 

Hand Delivery

You may authorize someone else to deliver your ballot to the convention for you. 

Voting at the Convention

Voting will happen at Pemmi-Con on Thursday and Friday, July 20-21, 2023.

Voting at the convention will end at 6PM CDT on Friday July 21, 2023. 

Election Results

The official results of the election will be announced at the NASFiC WSFS Business Meeting, scheduled for Saturday, July 22, 2023.

Pemmi-Con will be a gathering of many fandom communities! All the interests of the SF community will be welcomed and represented — literary fans, cosplayers, gamers, artists, writers, scientists, artisans, and so much more!

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