Art Show FAQ

Version 2023.07.23

Sunday July 23, 2023: Post-con update – read more here

Please read this FAQ if you are interested in being in the Art Show at Pemmi-Con in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Please note that this FAQ is a living document and will be updated periodically to reflect new information and deadlines. Check here first.

What, where, and when is Pemmi-Con?

Pemmi-Con will be held over 20-23 July 2023, in the Delta Hotels Winnipeg and the RBC Convention Centre, in Winnipeg. The convention center address is:

RBC Convention Centre Winnipeg
375 York Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3C 3J3

It is in the heart of Winnipeg, well-served by public transit, and within easy walking distance of restaurants, brewpubs, shopping, museums, historic sites, gardens and parks with great public art.

Yes, but where will the Art Show be?

It will be in Hall D of the RBC Convention Centre.

Why be in the Art Show at Pemmi-Con?

Pemmi-Con is a general interest science fiction convention, designed to be a “big tent” in the tradition of the World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon), its larger sibling. We will have attendees from all over the world; currently about 70% of members are from the U.S. Our members are fans of the science fiction and fantasy genre and tend to have multiple interests — science, gaming, literature in all its forms, music, etc. They come to discuss science and genre topics, admire the work of genre creatives (artists, authors, musicians, costume designers), see their friends, and shop. Almost every one will visit the art show at least once over the four days. 

How do I get into the Art Show?

You may apply for spaces in the Art Show at the link provided at the end of this FAQ. Please do not skip ahead to start your application until you have read this FAQ entirely! 

If I have questions about the Art Show, who do I talk to?

Your Art Show Directors are Andrea Senchy and Scott Zrubek. Email the art show staff ( if you need assistance or have any questions.

What will the hours be?

The Art Show will be open to members of Pemmi-Con during the following hours.

Thursday July 20, 202312 Noon – 6 PM
Friday July 21, 202310 AM – 6 PM
Saturday July 22, 202310 AM – 6 PM
Sunday July 23, 202310 AM – 3 PM

What will space cost?

Pemmi-Con will have tables and panels available. Tables are 6’ x 2’ and panels are 4’ x 4’and cost CA$55 each. Print shop entries are CA$1 each.

Our staff can set up your display for you if you are unable to attend Pemmi-Con. Prices above include that service.

Will Pemmi-Con take a commission on my art show sales?

No. Pemmi-Con is not taking a commission on art sales.

How do I pay for art show space at Pemmi-Con?

Pemmi-Con will send you an electronic invoice for paying online by credit card. You can also pay by check.

If you have any questions please email

Do I need to fill out an application form?

Yes! Here is the link:

How do I inform Pemmi-Con of the art I will have in the show?

Pemmi-Con will be using Art Show Helper for easy online entry of data about the art work and prints. You will be asked to enter information about the art for your display by early July.

As a US artist, can you help me with the customs process?

We have an arrangement with ConsultExpo to serve as our broker for getting art from the U.S. through customs if you are mailing your art to us. There will be a flat CA$25 fee to offset the costs of brokering your art through customs. This fee also covers consolidated shipping from North Dakota to Winnipeg.

If I am participating in the Art Show, do I qualify for a discounted membership?

Yes, the discounted rate is CA$150. First fill out the Art Show application, then send an email to letting us know you are interested in a membership. We’ll then ask you to buy the membership by 5 July, to allow time for processing the registration.

A membership badge will be required to enter Hall D, home of the Art Show. Everyone who is in the Art Show after noon on Thursday, July 20, 2023, must have an Attending membership. There is no intention of forcing an artist to buy a membership, but if you plan to carry in your art and arrange it, you need to finish the set-up by noon on Thursday.

Post-con update:

Sunday July 23, 2023

Howdy all,

I want to thank you for participating in the Art Show for Pemmi-Con the 2023 NASFiC. It was a small show, but it was well-received.

I also want to update you with the expected timeline for returning artwork and payment. It is, potentially, a little slower than I originally estimated.

Returning mail-in artwork should make it to the customs broker by August 4. I expect it to be mailed out from the broker within a few days from then.

Payments for your art show sales should be processed and on their way by August 25. For U.S. artists we have a U.S. paypal account to process payments and we can also issue checks. For the Canadians we can use your paypal email, mail a check, or Interac. The checks might take a little longer to make it to you than the electronic methods. If you gave me your paypal email address or Canadian Interac number when you registered, I’ll have the treasurer use that as the payment method. If you want to change your method of payment, let me know.

For communication going forward, please send emails to both and that will ensure I receive it.

I will try to keep you up-to-date with progress as I am informed of it. I want to make certain that the recent incident in the convention art show scene does not occur with Pemmi-Con. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me. I am running another art show in two weeks so it will be helpful if you make certain to indicate the appropriate convention in any communications.

Scott Zrubek

We’re going to have virtual programming both pre- and post-convention via Twitch TV and Zoom — and at Pemmi-con itself, a couple of rooms will be set up to stream interactive programming to the Internet! Programming items at Pemmi-Con will be either in person or hybrid, so if you can’t attend in person, we look forward to your virtual participation!

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