Confirmed Dealers

Here are some of the dealers that you can look forward to seeing at Pemmi-Con. This is an initial list. We will be updating it as more dealers apply.

On Spec Magazine

On Spec: The Canadian magazine of the Fantastic

A long-standing publication in Canada, On Spec Magazine is a winner of several Aurora Awards.

Books (New), Magazines

Arc Manor / Book Bale

Great Books Need Great Readers

We publish SF and Fantasy books and Galaxy’s Edge magazine and also creating a unique membership based sales portal in partnership with other publishers.

Books (New), Memberships and Info


Short and sweet chocolate SF stories for the busybodies

Echofictions provides short and sweet books for readers living with a limited attention span (a public nobody seems to care for), for people learning a second language or the everyday busybodies who lack free time! At the end of each book is a blank friendship list that allows the reader to pass it on. Most Echofictions books and graphic novels offer upbeat SF suitable for all ages, created by multi award-winning author Michèle Lafamboise. With more than 40 titles out and counting, Echofictions stories are never boring and offer a range of hard-to-soft chocolate SF whose flavor will stay with you for a long time.

Books (New), Comics, a few postcards, featuring book covers/art, for promo

Velocity Jewelry

Real jewelry made by a real silversmith here in Winnipeg!

My sterling silver jewelry is made by myself ,40 years I’ve been at it with countless designs for Men and ladies of ALL ages! Celtic & Viking,wildlife & nature designs as well as many symbolic & spiritual designs! I am a silver & goldsmith here in Winnipeg & I have sold at worldcon,Keycon since the 90’s & many more events!

Art, Jewelry, Leather journals, majic wands & some Viking artifacts!

GMB Chomichuk

Art, books, comics and graphic novels that range from the heart warming to the blood curdling.

GMB Chomichuk is an award-winning writer and illustrator whose work has appeared in comics, graphic novels, books, role-playing games, film, television and theatre. He is the host of Super Pulp Science, a podcast about how genre gets made. His work in words and pictures ranges from the heartwarming to the bloodcurdling. Other books by GMB Chomichuk include Apocrypha: The Legend of Babymetal from Z2, Will I See? from Portage and Main Press. The Automatic Age from Great Plains, The Eye Collector from HEAVY METAL, Dragon Nanny from Chasing Artwork, Dead Work from The Dead Work Collective.

  • For writing, illustration, and graphic novels :
  • twitter : @gmbchomichuk
  • instagram : @gmbchomichuk
  • Super Pulp Science Podcast

Books (New), Comics, Magazines, Art, Games

Tyche Books

Fortune Favours the Bold

Tyche Books is a Canadian small-press specializing in science-fiction and fantasy anthologies, novels, and non-fiction. We are proud to be launching Hayden Trenholm’s new novel at Pemmi-Con!

Books (New), metal bookmarks with beaded charms

At Bay Press

At Bay Press is an independent, award-winning publisher. 

At Bay Press is an independent, award-winning publisher. We strive to seek out new work by both established and undiscovered authors and artists to help bring their work to light. We are known for publishing original, thoughtful titles that are exceptionally well-designed. In addition to our trade list, we also release three – five handmade, limited edition titles a year. We are committed to investing in new initiatives to support creativity and diversity of voices and disseminating our titles worldwide. At Bay Press is a member of the Association of Canadian Publishers, Association of Manitoba Book Publishers, the Literary Press Group, the Fine Press Book Association and the Canadian Book Binders and Book Artists Guild. We are located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Books (New), Comics


Explore the multiple universes of the art of Robert Pasternak.

My artwork is unique and I package my art in novel ways to make unique novelty art multiples. 

Books (New), Comics, Sculpture, Art, Novelty Art Multiples

Cobra Collectibles

We sell nothing you need but everything you want

Comics, Games, Toys

G. David Nordley

Stories of a Possible Human Future

My writing concentrates on future fiction that could actually happen given the laws of physics. I majored in physics and while working, I specialized in orbital mechanics, spacecraft engineering and advanced propulsion. I also have been a member of CONTACT: Cultures of the Imagination for about thirty years which has done quantitative alien worldbuilding. About half of the novels and collections I have to sell are reprints from sales to Analog Science/Fiction Science Fact. I may partner with writers who have another emphasis, but that is currently uncertain.

Books (New), Books (Used)

IFWA Imaginative Fiction Writers Association

Calgary based SF&F writers

SF&F books written by mostly Calgary based authors and members of IFWA

Books (New)

Pemmi-Con is the premier science fiction and fantasy convention in North America for 2023. If you want to go for the best and greatest SF&F convention in 2023, it’s happening in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada!

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