
Pemmi-Con is in the Delta Hotels Winnipeg and the RBC Convention Centre South Building, connected by Skyway.

Delta Hotels Winnipeg and RBC Convention Centre Proximity Map


Registration is in the Delta Hotels Winnipeg, 350 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 3J2.

From the lobby, take the escalator, stairs, or elevator to the 2nd floor. When you get to the top of the escalator, Registration is right there.

Delta Hotel

Concourse (basement) level: Programme and evening filk in Assiniboia A. Gaming in Assiniboia B.

Ground floor: Workshops are in the Tuxedo boardroom. There is a restaurant, bar, and a Starbucks in the hotel. The Elephant & Castle pub is connected.

Second floor: Registration. Main events and filk concerts are in the Delta Ballroom. Charleswood A and B have programme. Readings are in Transcona. From the top of the escalator, the Delta Ballroom is straight ahead, registration is to the right, Transcona and the elevators are to the left, Charleswood is behind you, and the Skyway is behind you past Charleswood.

Third floor: When you exit the elevators, Fort Garry is on the right.

RBC Convention Centre

Pemmi-Con exhibits and programme are in the South Building.

Ground Floor: Programme in the York Ballroom.

Second Floor: Connection from the North Building.

Third Floor: Hall D has exhibits, the art show, autographing, dealers room, fan tables, info desk, and site selection.

Skyway Between the Delta and the RBC Convention Centre

From the 2nd floor of the Delta, exit to the Skyway and go straight across Carlton Street to the RBC Convention Centre North Building. This route has steps. In the Convention Centre, turn left and go through the Gallery. Keep left and cross the bridge to the South Building. Take the escalator or elevator up to Hall D. Or take the stairs or elevator down to York.

Accessible Skyway Route to the RBC Convention Centre

From the lobby of the Delta, exit to the sidewalk and go to the left. Straight ahead, there is a concrete tower with an accessible elevator to the skyway. 

Accessible Street Level Routes to the RBC Convention Centre

By car: The South Building Parkade entrance is on the back alley between Carlton and Edmonton Streets. Accessible parking stalls are located adjacent to each elevator. See RBC Convention Centre Parking for fees.

North Building: There is an entrance from Carlton Street, across from the hotel. The main entrance is on York Street. There are elevators at the four corners of the building. Go to the 2nd floor, and cross the bridge to the South Building. There you can take an elevator up to Hall D or down to York.

South Building: There is an entrance from Carlton Street, one block down from the Hotel (past York Street). It may not be open as many hours as the North Building entrances. Please check before going there so you don’t have to backtrack.

Access to Nearby Restaurants and Shops

When you exit the 2nd floor of the Delta to the Skyway, if you turn right, it goes to Cityplace Mall. The Skyway continues to the Millennium Library and beyond.

At street level, there are several pubs, restaurants, shops and urban markets, one block or less from the Delta Hotel. See the Restaurants guide for nearby options and Winnipeg highlights further afield.

NASFiC is an entirely fan run, all volunteer convention. Everybody who is attending, from the front line workers all the way up to the Convention Chairs, is paying for their membership. And remember, membership at Pemmi-Con entitles you to vote for the next NASFiC location in 2024!

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